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GFL2 Damage and Theorycrafting Standardization for Global

This site outlines the assumptions I use and encourage. My opnions only.

First things first: The damage formula. Each component has its own section on the sidebar here for specifics and detail. There will be links to videos demonstrating testing and evidence as each. I have grouped components based on the following naming schema:

1) Attack Power: This is the attack value used as a "base". It is modified by various buffs and the most powerful component of damage

2) Defense reduction: This is the coefficient calculated using all modifications to enemy defense

3) Critical Modifier: Damage affected by critical hit rate and critical hit damage

4) Phase Weakness Modifier: A calculated multiplier based on attack and enemy weakness (ammo and element)

5) Stability/Cover Reduction: Stability and Cover mechanics work in tandem to produce a multiplier based on battle conditions

6) Buff Modifiers: Almost everything that mentions "percent damage" falls into this category. It is additive.

7) Skill Multiplier: Damage value e.g. "This skill does 150% of attack".

The general damage formula is the product of components 1-7

See corresponding sections for specific details.

Example calculation: (2987 Attack)*(89.97% Defense Reduction)*(1.0 Critical Modifier)*(1 No weakness)*(1 - 95% Stability/Cover reduction)*(2.5% buff modifiers)*(80% Basic attack) = 110 for a non-critical hit. 132 for a critical hit with 130% crit damage (1 -> 1.3).